Create an action command for asserting that a value is not null. Useable from a test like this:
<action name="VerifyNoNull" command="java:com.mystuff.MyAssertNotNullValidator"> <param>##{MyValue}</param> </action>
package com.mystuff; import java.util.List; import org.mactor.framework.ConfigException; import org.mactor.framework.MactorException; import org.mactor.framework.TestContext; import org.mactor.framework.extensioninterface.ActionCommand; public class MyAssertNotNullValidator implements ActionCommand { public void perform(TestContext context, List<String> params) throws MactorException { if (params.size() != 1) throw new ConfigException("Invalid testspec. One parameter requiered: [<the value to validate>]>"); if (params.get(0) == null) throw new MactorException("Assertions failed. The value was null"); } }
(NOTE: mactor.jar must be in the classpath to compile this code. Include the compiled class in the classpath by editing the MActor start script - testrunner-gui.cmd/
Create a value command that will generate a random number. Useable from a test like this:
<value name="ANumber" command="java:com.mystuff.MyRandomNumberGenerator"/>
package com.mystuff; import java.util.List; import org.mactor.framework.ConfigException; import org.mactor.framework.MactorException; import org.mactor.framework.TestContext; import org.mactor.framework.extensioninterface.ValueCommand; public class MyRandomNumberGenerator implements ValueCommand { java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random(); public String extractValue(TestContext context, List<String> params) throws MactorException { return r.nextInt() + ""; } }
(NOTE: mactor.jar must be in the classpath to compile this code. Include the compiled class in the classpath by editing the MActor start script - testrunner-gui.cmd/
Create a message selector command that will accept any message containing the word 'blue'. Useable from a test like this:
<message_subscribe name="SubscribeForMessage" channel="Incomingmessage"> <message_selector command="java:com.mystuff.BlueMessageSelector"/> </message_subscribe>
package com.mystuff; import java.util.List; import org.mactor.framework.MactorException; import org.mactor.framework.Message; import org.mactor.framework.extensioninterface.MessageSelectorCommand; public class BlueMessageSelector implements MessageSelectorCommand { public void setParams(List<String> params) throws MactorException {} public boolean isAcceptableMessage(Message message) { return message.getContent().indexOf("blue")>=0; } }
(NOTE: mactor.jar must be in the classpath to compile this code. Include the compiled class in the classpath by editing the MActor start script - testrunner-gui.cmd/
Create a message builder command that will build a message with a randomly named element. Useable from a test like this:
<message_publish name="PublishRandomMessage" channel="OutgoingMessage"> <message_builder command="java:com.mystuff.RandomMessageBuilder"/> </message_publish>
package com.mystuff; import java.util.List; import org.mactor.framework.ConfigException; import org.mactor.framework.MactorException; import org.mactor.framework.Message; import org.mactor.framework.TestContext; import org.mactor.framework.extensioninterface.MessageBuilderCommand; public class RandomMessageBuilder implements MessageBuilderCommand { java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random(); public Message buildMessage(TestContext context, String templatePath, List<String> params) throws MactorException { String nodeName = "a" + r.nextInt() + "b"; return message.createMessage("<" + nodeName + ">this is the content of the random element " + "</" + nodeName + ">"); } }
(NOTE: mactor.jar must be in the classpath to compile this code. Include the compiled class in the classpath by editing the MActor start script - testrunner-gui.cmd/