Package org.mactor.extensions.xml

Class Summary
XPathIgnoreNsMessageSelector Selects all messages matching the XPath/value expressions specified in the parameters.
XPathIgnoreNsRegExpMessageSelector Selects all messages matching the XPath/regexp expressions specified in the parameters.
XPathIgnoreNsRegExpValidator Validates that a selected field from the last received message matches a specifed value.
XPathIgnoreNsValidator Validates that a selected field from the last received message matches a specifed value.
XPathIgnoreNsValueExtractor Extracts a selected field from the last received message
The field to select is specified as a single parameter containing the XPath expression that selects the single attribute or element
Namespace information in the evaluated messages is ignored, so the XPath expressions must not include namespace prefixes
XPathTemplateMessageBuilder Builds a message based on a XML file (the template), substituting the vales in the file with the values specied in the paramaters.

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