Uses of Interface

Packages that use ActionCommand

Uses of ActionCommand in org.mactor.extensions

Classes in org.mactor.extensions that implement ActionCommand
 class AssertEqualsValidator
          Asserts that the two provider parameters are equal
 class AssertNotEqualsValidator
          Asserts that the two provider parameters are equal
 class AssertNotNullValidator
          Asserts that the single parameter is not null
 class AssertNullValidator
          Asserts that the single parameter is null
 class DelaySeconds
          Delay execution the number of seconds specifed by the first parameter
 class DelayUntil
          Suspend execution until the time specifed by the first parameter (on the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, i.e: 2008-07-04T12:08:56.235+0100)
 class NodeMessageCountValidator
          Asserts that the number of messages recived by the node specified by the first parameter (by name) equals the number specifed in the second parameter

Uses of ActionCommand in org.mactor.extensions.xml

Classes in org.mactor.extensions.xml that implement ActionCommand
 class AssertXmlValid
 class XPathIgnoreNsRegExpValidator
          Validates that a selected field from the last received message matches a specifed value.
 class XPathIgnoreNsValidator
          Validates that a selected field from the last received message matches a specifed value.

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